Buying A Wood Charcoal Machine – How Much Processing Capacity You Need

Are you planning to buy a wood charcoal machine? How much processing capacity do you need? Do you need it for personal use or for commercial operations? Do you have any existing experience in making charcoal with the machine? Charcoal has been made for thousands of years and you must be wondering why you need a wood charcoal making machine.

Charcoal is extensively used in several industries. Not many people know that it is widely used in the food industry as well as the pharmaceutical industry. Most people know of it as an excellent source of fuel as it burns clean. However, making that clean charcoal is not easy without the proper machines or tools. A good quality wood charcoal machine can help you achieve high quality when making charcoal.

BST-J Batch Wood Charcoal Making Machine
BST-J Batch Wood Charcoal Making Machine

If you start searching for manufacturers of this machine, you will find that there are thousands of manufacturers across the globe. These machines are sold in a wide price range. The price depends on its processing capacity, quality of materials used, brand-name, reliability, design and several other factors.

Many beginners make the common mistake of choosing a machine based only on the initial price as they assume that all machines work the same. Do not make this mistake as there is a lot of difference in machines in terms of design, efficiency, cost as well as yield. Here is what you need to know about buying the right charcoal machine for sale:

How Much Processing Capacity You Need

The first thing you should consider is the processing capacity needed for your operations. If you are buying it to prepare charcoal at a commercial scale, you would obviously need a machine that is capable of processing that much volume.

The cost will also be higher as compared to machines meant for personal use. If you are buying it for commercial operations, the yield and efficiency as well as fuel consumption becomes a lot more important as you would be competing with other suppliers.

Check the Design

If you are buying it for commercial operations, you need to carefully study the design of the machine. Do not blindly trust the efficiency and yield supplied by the manufacturer as everybody likes to make tall claims. On top of that, those claims are calculated in ideal conditions that rarely match real-world conditions. See the sawdust charcoal making machine here.

The design specifications should be available on the website of the manufacturer. Most manufacturers these days will also have a video showcasing their machines. If they do not have a video on their own website, you should get in touch with the salesperson and ask them to provide a video tour.

Wood Chips Charcoal
Wood Chips Charcoal

Pricing It Right

Once you are satisfied with the design and processing capacity, you also need to pay attention to the brand. Choose a brand that is known for reliability and good quality product. Make sure they have an extensive service network to allow you to get replacement parts and service technicians when you need them. In order to get it at the right price, you should get estimates from several manufacturers to negotiate better prices.


A good quality wood charcoal machine will help you achieve better yield and obtain high-quality charcoal at a lower per unit price as compared to manual charcoal making. You should pay attention to the design, brand-name, reliability and durability of the straw to charcoal machine to get the best value for your money in the long run.